Our services

  • Biomechanics Initial consult

    1.5 hour session $160

    This includes filming and assessing gait and assessing photos of static, relaxed posture. Followed by training or myfascial release.

  • Biomechanics follow up sessions

    1 hour session $130

    Here we will be focusing on training and correcting the dysfunctions identified in the initial consult

  • Sauna

    45 min infrared sauna $30 for a single session
    $125 for 5 sessions (must be used in 6 weeks)

    Aid the detox pathways of the body with an infrared sauna. All sauna sessions include a Red Light Therapy panel for use.

  • Classes

    Group classes range from $25-$35 for a 45 minutes class.

    Our classes are small to accommodate for individual time from the practitioner, so please be sure to book in to secure your spot.